... the only eclipse plugin for feature oriented software development.
A feature is a unit of functionality of a software system that satisfies a requirement, represents a design decision, and provides a potential configuration option. The basic idea is to describe a software system in terms of the features it provides. The goal is to construct well-structured software that can be tailored to the needs of the user and the application scenario. Typically, from a set of features, many different software systems can be generated that share common features and differ in other features. The set of software systems generated from a set of features is also called a software product line.
three success factors

Integrated Development Environment
FeatureIDE is an open-source framework for feature-oriented software development (FOSD) based on Eclipse.
problem space - plan and implement your productline
domain analysis
- capture the variabilities and commonalities of a software-system domain
- build a feature model
domain implementation
- implementing all software-systems of the domain at the same time
- mapping the code assets to features
problem space
domain specific abstraction
solution space - select features and generate products
requirements analysis
- requirements are mapped to the features of the domain
- features needed for a customized software system are selected, resulting in a configuration
software generation
- software system is automatically built
- based on a configuration and the domain implementation
solution space
implementation oriented abstraction


feature model editor

constraint wizard

configuration editor

collaboration diagram

collaboration outline